Ruby Cookie
- Level:
- Makes:
120 cookies
Cookie Dough
Ingredients: Cookie Dough
183 gbutter
88 gicing sugar
Preparation: Cookie Dough
Ingredients: Cookie Dough
30 geggs
102 galmond powder
190 gflour
1 gbaking powder
Preparation: Cookie Dough
Add. Beat until smooth.
Leave to rest in fridge overnight at 4°C.
Layer dough at 3 mm and cut flower shapes of 5 cm diameter.
Bake at 170°C for 15 mins.
Apricot Jam
Ingredients: Apricot Jam
1000 gapricots
60 gwater
600 gcaster sugar
15 glemon juice
Preparation: Apricot Jam
Bring to simmer in saucepan over mediumlow
heat while stirring. Cover and simmer
over low heat for 1 hour until thick.
Cool down in fridge at 4°C. Cover jam with foil.
Ingredients: Decoration
720 gCHR-R35RB1
120 gwhite almond and sugar flowers IBC
Preparation: Decoration
Layer at 2 mm thick.
Cut out round flower shapes of 5 cm diameter.
Leave to set in fridge at 12°C.