White Chocolate Gelato
Here's an easy, solid recipe for delicious homemade gelato that simply always works. It has all you'd expect from this frozen delight: a lovely, creamytaste with sweet hints of caramelly white chocolate. Because it consists of 70% Belgian white chocolate, the wonderful vanilla flavour sets in immediately: delicately sweet, smooth-textured. This easy recipe is perfect for chefs searching for a convenient way to make high-quality ice cream.
- Level:
- Makes:
1 tub
White chocolate gelato
Ingredients: White chocolate gelato
5.3 lbhot water (70°-85°)
Preparation: White chocolate gelato
Mix together with immersion blender for about 2 minutes.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for about 30 minutes (Optional)
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
Put in blast/shock freezer for 10 Min for more stability and better structure (Optional)