Master doughut dough preparation

Ingredients: Master doughut dough preparation

  • 55 g
    unsalted butter
  • 55 g
    Vegetable oil
  • 530 g
    Whole milk
  • 150 g
    whole eggs
  • 21 g
    Dried active yeast
  • 966 g
    Strong white bread flour
  • 170 g
    granulated sugar
  • 8 g

Preparation: Master doughut dough preparation

  1. Melt the butter on a low to medium heat.
  2. Add milk, eggs and oil and heat slowly to 38-43°C.
  3. Pour into a mixing bowl and stir in the yeast.
  4. Leave to stand for min. 15 minutes (until the yeast forms foamy islands across the top of the mixture).
  5. Meanwhile, in a large bowl: combine flour, sugar and salt.
  6. Attach the bowl with the yeast mixture to the stand mixer with dough hook attachment.
  7. At low speed: add one cup of flour-mixture at a time until all is added.
  8. Turn mixer speed to full and mix until the dough comes away from the bowl sides. (±10 min.)
  9. Cover with cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for min. 3 hours – max 24 hours.
  10. Check if the dough is ready: take a golf ball-sized piece of dough and stretch it. If you can see through, it's ready. If not, mix more to develop gluten strands.
  11. Weigh out 50g-balls out of the dough.
  12. Roll into perfect balls on an unfloured surface (important as adding flour will prevent getting perfectly round balls).
  13. Place on a floured tray and leave to prove for at least 2 hours at room temperature or 1 hour in a warm place.
  14. Cook the doughnuts – not too many at a time – in the fryer at 170°C: cook each side for 2:30 min.
  15. Remove the dougnuts from the fryer and deposit onto kitchen paper to drain the oil.
  16. Leave to cool at least one hour before filling.

Dark & milk chocolate pastry cream

Ingredients: Dark & milk chocolate pastry cream

  • 1000 g
    Whole milk
  • 2 tablespoon(s)
    Vanilla bean paste
  • 8 Piece(s)
    Egg yolk
  • 220 g
    caster sugar
  • 75 g
    Corn flour

Preparation: Dark & milk chocolate pastry cream

  1. In a cooking pot: heat milk with the vanilla bean paste and leave to infuse.
  2. In a separate bowl: add egg yolks, sugar and salt. Whisk for at meast 2 minutes until light and fluffy.
  3. Add cornflour to the yolk-mixture and whisk for another minute.
  4. In stages, pour the hot milk in small amounts onto the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Do this in 3 parts until all milk is added.
  5. Pour the mixture back into the cooking pot and cook into custard: approx 5 min. until thick and bubbly.
  6. In a separate bowl: add the milk chocolate and dark chocolate.
  7. Pour the hot custard over the chocolate and whisk until fully combined.
  8. Cover with cling films.
  9. Set aside for at least 4 hours and place in the fridge overnight.

Marshmallow fluff

Ingredients: Marshmallow fluff

  • 800 g
    granulated sugar
  • 975 g
    Golden syrup
  • 360 g
  • 500 g
    Liquid egg whites
  • 1/2 tablespoon(s)
    cream of tartar
  • 30 g

Preparation: Marshmallow fluff

  1. Combine the water, sugar & syrup & cook to 120°C.
  2. Once the sugar reaches 155°C: start beating the egg whites with the cream of tartar in the mixing bowl.
  3. Once the sugar reaches 120°C: take away from the heat and slowly drizzle the hot syrup egg whites while mixing.
  4. Add the salt last.
  5. Continue beating until the meringue cools down slightly.
  6. Transfer to a piping bag, and use immediately.


  1. Fill a piping bag with marshmallow fluff.
  2. Cut a hole in the white seam of the doughnut: fill the doughnut with marshmallow fluff only halfway, leaving space for the dark & milk chocolate pastry cream.
  3. Continue by piping in the dark & milk chocolate pastry cream.
  4. Finish with milk chocolate and salty caramel Crispearls.