Dark Brazil Origin Chocolate Gelato - Choco Base
There's nothing more delicious than real Italian ice cream. With this recipe, you'll be able to create authentic dark chocolate gelato completely from scratch: soft, smooth-textured and shiny. For the perfect end result we recommend using a Finest Belgian Dark Chocolate for an intense cocoa taste or a Single Origin Chocolate if you want sophisticated flavours and aromas. Store it in the freezer to achieve the perfect texture and gloss. Enjoy a lovely consistency with every scoop.
- Level:
- Makes:
1 tub
Dark Chocolate Gelato with Chocobase
Ingredients: Dark Chocolate Gelato with Chocobase
2400 ghot water (70°-85°)
800 gMXD-ICE10SF
30 gdextrose
Preparation: Dark Chocolate Gelato with Chocobase
Mix together with immersion blender for about 2 minutes.
Leave to rest in refrigerator (3-5°C) for about 30 minutes (Optional)
Pour into batch freezer and start churning.
Put in blast/shock freezer for 10 Min for more stability and better structure (Optional)