Fried tub gurnard

When preparing fresh and delicate fish like this tub gurnard, frying it in the best possible way simply yields a better taste and juicier end result. Mycryo®, which is pure cocoa butter in powder form, is ideal for frying and sautéing delicate fish, meats and even vegetables. It seals the ingredients with a natural film of cocoa butter, keeping the ingredients from losing any juices or flavours. On top, Mycryo® has a neutral taste and makes the natural flavours of the ingredients come out beautifully.

Sapphirine gurnard

Ingredients: Sapphirine gurnard

Preparation: Sapphirine gurnard


Ingredients: Sapphirine gurnard

  • 4
    sapphirine gurnard fillets

Preparation: Sapphirine gurnard

Sprinkle on the Mycryo® mixture and put aside in the refrigerator. Fry in a dry, non-stick pan.

Carrots & baby turnips

Ingredients: Carrots & baby turnips

Preparation: Carrots & baby turnips

Cut the turnips, carrots and mini-courgettes into a casserole and sprinkle with Mycryo® and sugar. Fry in a dry pan, glaze and quench with lemon juice. Season.


Ingredients: Sauce

Preparation: Sauce

Mix and fry without browning.

Ingredients: Sauce

  • 7.1 oz
  • 20 cl
    Noilly Prat
  • 40 cl
    fish stock
  • Q.S.
  • Q.S.

Preparation: Sauce

Add the other ingredients and boil down gently for 15 minutes. Strain off and keep warm.

Ingredients: Sauce

  • 2
    egg yolks
  • 40 cl

Preparation: Sauce

Mix until it thickens. Bind the sauce with it.