Lime-milk chocolate entremets
- Level:
Financier sponge
Ingredients: Financier sponge
450 gegg white
250 gsugar
Preparation: Financier sponge
Whisk to soft peaks
Ingredients: Financier sponge
200 galmond powder
65 ghazelnut powder
250 gicing sugar
170 gflour
Preparation: Financier sponge
Fold in all sifted powders
Ingredients: Financier sponge
1 pod(s)Vanilla
2 zestlemon
150 gbutter
Preparation: Financier sponge
Finalize by adding the melted butter, vanilla and lemon zests
Ingredients: Financier sponge
150 gbutter
Preparation: Financier sponge
Add melted
Spread out on 35*28 cm baking tray covered with a Silpat sheet.
Bake at 175˚C for 15-18’ into a convectional oven.
Lime-milk chocolate cream
Ingredients: Lime-milk chocolate cream
340 g35% cream
2 zestlime
75 gegg yolks
Preparation: Lime-milk chocolate cream
Cook an anglaise up to 85ËšC.
Ingredients: Lime-milk chocolate cream
Preparation: Lime-milk chocolate cream
Pour over and emulsify.
Ingredients: Lime-milk chocolate cream
20 ggelatin mass
Preparation: Lime-milk chocolate cream
Lime cream
Ingredients: Lime cream
700 gcream
135 gsugar
5 piece(s)lime zest
Preparation: Lime cream
Heat and infuse the lime zests.
Ingredients: Lime cream
80 ggelatin mass
Preparation: Lime cream
Ingredients: Lime cream
580 gslightly whipped cream
Preparation: Lime cream
Fold in at 20ËšC, use directly.
Finishing and assembly
The recipe is for 2 frames of 10*30 cm.
Place the financier sponge at the bottom. Cover with some lime milk chocolate cream. Place a second sheet of financier sponge. Fill up with the lime cream. Keep in the freezer. Cut into 2.5 cm slices and decorate to taste.