Mini travel cake in satay

“The first thing that comes to mind when I hear ‘roasting’? Barbecue! So I created a skewered mini travel cake, and used cocoa mass and cocoa nibs for a sauce with a strong chocolate taste to accompany it.”
10 persons


Ingredients: Financier

  • 7.1 oz
    icing sugar
  • 2.8 oz
    almond powder
  • 2.8 oz
  • 0.1 oz
    baking powder

Preparation: Financier

Mix together.

Ingredients: Financier

  • 7.9 oz
    egg white
  • 0.7 oz
    invert sugar

Preparation: Financier

Add to previous mixture without whipping.

Ingredients: Financier

  • 4.8 oz

Preparation: Financier

Boil into beurre noisette. Add to previous mixture at 25-30°C.

Pipe into small silicon mould and bake for 4 ½ minutes at 210°C. Unmould
immediately and wrap while they warm to keep moist. Keep aside and
use when required.

Mini chocolate travel cake

Ingredients: Mini chocolate travel cake

  • 7.1 oz
    whole egg(s)
  • 1.9 oz
    egg yolks
  • 1.8 oz
  • 2.8 oz
    invert sugar

Preparation: Mini chocolate travel cake

Whisk together until light.

Ingredients: Mini chocolate travel cake

Preparation: Mini chocolate travel cake

Make ganache and add to previous mixture.

Ingredients: Mini chocolate travel cake

Preparation: Mini chocolate travel cake

Crush and sprinkle in silicon mould.

Pipe mixture into small silicon mould and bake for 4 minutes at 210°C.
Unmould immediately and wrap while warm to keep moist. Keep aside and use when required.