Callebaut CM-CAL-2B-C45 Product information Where to buy (opens a modal window) Available sizes 2.5kg bag 5kg Block 20kg Box Unknown Actions Write a comment Save Compare Characteristics Characteristics Certifications Packaging Order code: CM-CAL-2B-C45 Shelf life: na Other packages: 2.5kg bag, 5kg Block, 20kg Box Where to buy Close Close modal Recipes made with CM-CAL-2B-C45 See CM-CAL-2B-C45 in Action and Get inspired by Recipes Made by Expert Chefs to Expand your Offer and Boost your Sales Dark chocolate cookie Dark chocolate cookie Alexandre Bourdeaux Alexandre Bourdeaux Dark chocolate cookie CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard Patrick Aubrion Patrick Aubrion CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard Almond and chocolate ice cream cake Almond and chocolate ice cream cake Marc Ducobu Marc Ducobu Almond and chocolate ice cream cake Beanology Dessert Beanology Dessert Annemie Van Trimpont Annemie Van Trimpont Beanology Dessert View more Comments Add comment There are no comments yet.
Dark chocolate cookie Dark chocolate cookie Alexandre Bourdeaux Alexandre Bourdeaux Dark chocolate cookie
CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard Patrick Aubrion Patrick Aubrion CHOCRO-DONUT™ with chocolate custard
Almond and chocolate ice cream cake Almond and chocolate ice cream cake Marc Ducobu Marc Ducobu Almond and chocolate ice cream cake