
Sanfo’s story

Cultivating change through agroforestry

Sanfo has been a steward of his 2-hectare cocoa farm since 2000. Beyond cocoa, he grows rice, corn and nham, to diversify his income from farming. Married with five children, Sanfo envisions a secure and prosperous future for his family.




Ivory Coast


Married, 5 children  

Producing cocoa

24 years

Size of farm

2 hectares


Embracing Diversity

Sanfo's approach to farming goes beyond the traditional methods. He incorporated agroforestry practices to prolong the life of his cocoa trees, while bringing diversity back to his land. "We planted these trees to shield our cocoa from the sun and disease," he explains.

A Greener Tomorrow

The introduction of non-cocoa trees on his farm wasn't just an ecological decision; it was a strategic one. With the support of the Cocoa Horizons' agroforestry approach and the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), Sanfo sees a brighter future. "The extra income will directly support my children's education and allow me to invest in necessary farm inputs," he shares, reflecting on the financial constraints that limited his purchases last year.

We planted these trees to shield our cocoa from the sun and disease.

Seeing the Fruits of His Labor

The changes since diversifying his farm have been noticable. "My cocoa yield has increased to 1.7 to 1.8 tons," Sanfo beams with pride, already planning to expand his tree planting to further enhance next year's harvest. The avocados, partly sold and partly consumed, add another source of income to his farming practice.

Building Foundations

With the additional income, Sanfo's family sees the impact. "I will build a small house for my children," he states, envisioning a legacy of security and continuity. Moreover, he aims to empower his wife to start her own business, selling rice and onions in the market, thereby enriching their family's livelihoods.


The extra income will directly support my children's education and allow me to invest in necessary farm inputs.

A Vision for the Future

Sanfo never enjoyed formal education like his children do, which feeds his ambition to grow his farm. "I'm very happy with the trees I've planted," he says. The farm isn't just land; it's a testament to a life of dedication, destined to support his family for generations to come.

Passing it on

For Sanfo, the journey of agroforestry is not just about enhancing his immediate environment or yield, but about setting a foundation for the future. To other farmers, he embodies the transformative power of integrating traditional cocoa farming with broader ecological practices. And to his family, he offers a vision of sustainability, education, and prosperity.