American Ice Cream
Sugars: granulated sugar, dextrose, glucose syrup, invert sugar
Milk, cream, egg yolks - Milk powder - Stabilisers, emulsifiers & thickening agents - Various couvertures
Ice cream consists of the following ingredients: milk, cream, sugars, egg yolk, couverture, stabilisers and emulsifiers.
The difference between American ice cream and gelato:
- Gelato has a fat content of 8-10%, American ice cream 12-16%
- Gelato has a sugar content of 18-22%, American ice cream 15-18%
The process of artisanal ice cream making is similar to that of classic gelato making. It is essential to create a homogenous mixture before you churn it, as it contains a significant amount of fat.
In the catering industry, the Pacojet system is a widely used kitchen appliance to create ice cream.
Fats: 12-16%
Non-fat milk solids: 8-10%
DCS: 4.5-5.5%
Total sugar content: 15-18%
Total solids content: 40-43%
FP (Freezing Point): 240-250
SP (Sweetening Power): 17-20%
Used couverture: 10-25%
A step by step guide to delicious American Ice Cream
Phase 1
Pasteurisation of the mixture
Stir the liquid ingredients together and heat the mixture up to 40°C
- Meticulously measure out the quantities of all the ingredients in your American ice cream recipe.
- Add the following ingredients to the pasteuriser at +4°C: Fresh whole milk - Cream - All the liquid sugars (i.e. invert sugar, honey...) - Egg yolk (if applicable to your recipe)
2. Blend all the ingredients in powder form together and add them to the mixture
- At +40°C add the following ingredients and stir them together:
- Milk powder
- Dextrose
- Granulated sugar
- Powdered glucose syrup
- Stabilisers
3. Pasteurise
- If your recipe contains egg yolk, bring the temperature of the mixture up to +80/+82°C and pasteurise it for 2 seconds. Otherwise, bring it up to +72/+75°C and pasteurise it for 15 seconds.
4. Add the couverture and homogenise
- Add the unmelted couverture and homogenise the mixture while rapidly lowering its temperature to +4°C. Let it mature at +4°C for 4 to 6 hours.
5. Cool rapidly
6. Let the mixture mature
Phase 2
Making the ice cream
1. Churn the ice cream
- Pour the mixture in the ice cream machine and churn it at -5°C for 5 to 10 minutes.
(2. Add alcohol at -5°C)
3. Extrude the ice cream from the ice cream machine
4. Harden the ice cream in the blast freezer
- Place the mixture in the blast freezer to harden it. If you want to store your delicious chocolate gelato in a display counter, bring its temperature down to -14°C. If you want to store it in a freezer, bring it down to -18°C.
5. Sell the ice cream or store it (in a display counter)