Chocolate Chip Cookie

Ingredients: Chocolate Chip Cookie

  • 3.9 oz
    Butter soft
  • 3.2 oz
    caster sugar
  • 3.5 oz
    brown sugar
  • 1.8 oz
  • 0.1 oz
  • 0.2 oz
  • 0.1 oz
    baking soda
  • 7.4 oz

Preparation: Chocolate Chip Cookie

  1. Mix cream butter and sugars until the consistency is light and fluffy.
  2. Gradually add in the eggs and mix until combined.
  3. Add in the dry ingredients followed by chocolate and mix just until combined.
  4. Portion into 150g portions and rest in the chiller before baking.
  5. Bake at 170°C for around 14 minutes or until the bottom turns golden brown.

Caramenl Gnache

Ingredients: Caramenl Gnache

Preparation: Caramenl Gnache

  1. Use the sugar to make a caramel and deglaze with hot cream and glucose mixture.
  2. Once the temperature drops to 80°C, pour it over the chocolate and emulsify.
  3. Once the temperature of the chocolate caramel mixture drops to 45°C, add in the clarified butter and emulsify.
  4. Surface wrap and let crystallise for 6-8 hours.

Hazelnut Almond Praline

Ingredients: Hazelnut Almond Praline

  • 2.7 oz
    caster sugar
  • 2.4 oz
  • 2.4 oz
  • 15.4 gr
    Vanilla beans

Preparation: Hazelnut Almond Praline

  1. Toast the hazelnuts at 150℃ for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown and place them on a tray with silpat.
  2. Make a dry caramel in a heavy bottom pan and once you achieve a deep amber colour, add the vanilla bean and pour the caramel over the toasted nuts.
  3. Once it cools down, blitz the hazelnuts and caramel to a fine paste.

Chocolate Marshmallow

Ingredients: Chocolate Marshmallow

  • 4.4 oz
  • 1.5 oz
    Inverted sugar #1
  • 2.9 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    Inverted sugar #2
  • 0.4 oz
  • 2.1 oz
  • 0.2 oz
    sea salt

Preparation: Chocolate Marshmallow

  1. Bloom your gelatin in cold water and set aside.
  2. Add in invert sugar #2, and the gelatin mass into a stand mixer bowl.
  3. Add sugar, invert sugar #1 and water in a stock pot and cook to 115℃.
  4. Pour this cooked sugar syrup into the stand mixer bowl and whip until light, doubled in size and thickened.
  5. Once the mix reaches around 50℃, add in the melted chocolate and sea salt and mix.
  6. Pour onto a frame lightly sprayed with oil.
  7. Cut into small squares to be decorated on the cookie.

Caramelised Hazelnuts

Ingredients: Caramelised Hazelnuts

  • 1.1 oz
  • 4.1 oz
  • 5.4 oz
  • 0.4 oz
    Callebaut Cocoa Butter

Preparation: Caramelised Hazelnuts

  1. Add in the water and sugar in a stockpot and cook this syrup until it reaches 115℃.
  2. Add in the hazelnuts and allow the sugar to crystallise around the hazelnuts.
  3. Keep cooking on a medium high heat while constantly mixing the hazelnuts.
  4. The sugar around the hazelnuts will start to caramelise.
  5. Once caramelised, grate in some cocoa butter and allow it to coat the hazelnuts.
  6. Pour it onto a silicon mat and separate the hazelnuts while hot.

Dark Chocolate Mousse

Ingredients: Dark Chocolate Mousse

  • 1.8 oz
  • 1.8 oz
  • 0.4 oz
  • 0.7 oz
    egg yolks
  • 0.0 gr
  • 6.3 oz
    heavy cream
  • 15.4 gr

Preparation: Dark Chocolate Mousse

Make an Anglaise 

  1. combine milk, cream and vanilla and bring it to a simmer.
  2. Combine egg yolks, and sugar in a bowl and temper this mixture using the warm milk mixture.
  3. Strain it back into the stockpot and cook until 82°C.
  4. Take it off the heat.


  1. Stir in soaked gelatine to dissolve.
  2. Strain over chocolate and whisk until smooth and set aside to cool.
  3. When the mixture has cooled to 30 °C, fold in whipped cream to soft peaks.

Aerated Chocolate

Ingredients: Aerated Chocolate

Preparation: Aerated Chocolate

  1. Mix melted chocolate with melted cocoa butter and hazelnut paste.
  2. Charge the syphon gun with 3 nitro chargers and pipe into a deep box lined with parchment.
  3. Let it set.
  4. Chop the set chocolate into small chunks and store in the freezer until ready to garnish.


  1. Pipe some caramel ganache using a small round nozzle (5mm) on a baked cookie.
  2. Load up the cookie with marshmallows and caramelised hazelnuts and some sea salt.
  3. Drizzle on the almond hazelnut praline.
  4. Let this freeze while you make your mousse.
  5. Once frozen, place the frozen cookie on a grill rack and pipe the mousse on the cookie, covering it entirely.
  6. Chop up your aerated chocolate into small pieces and cover the entire cookie with it.
  7. Freeze.
  8. Finish off your cookie with a light dusting of cocoa powder.