Strawberry Confit

Ingredients: Strawberry Confit

  • 8.4 oz
    frozen strawberries
  • 1.1 oz
    caster sugar
  • 0.2 oz
    NH pectin
  • 0.1 oz
    Fresh lime juice

Preparation: Strawberry Confit

  1. Let the frozen strawberries thaw on a strainer and strain all the excess water before using.
  2. Start cooking the strawberries in a heavy bottom pan.
  3. Once it reaches around 45 °C, drizzle in the pectin and sugar mix and continue cooking.
  4. Once it thickens, take the mixture off the heat and add in lime juice and pour over 4 inch rings prepped with cling film on the base and freeze.

Coconut Filling

Ingredients: Coconut Filling

  • 1.9 oz
    heavy cream
  • 1.8 oz
  • 1.8 oz
    Dried apricots
  • 1.8 oz
    Dried strawberry
  • 1.8 oz
    Dried blueberries
  • 1.8 oz
  • 2.1 oz
    Fresh coconut
  • 2.1 oz
    Desiccated coconut
  • 3.5 oz
    condensed milk
  • 0.1 oz
    Cardamom powder

Preparation: Coconut Filling

  1. Chop the nuts and dry fruits and combine all in a bowl.
  2. Mix all the ingredients to get a soft filling.
  3. Once ready, spoon over frozen strawberry jelly and freeze till set, and then de-mould.

Ruby Raspberry Marshmallow

Ingredients: Ruby Raspberry Marshmallow

  • 4.0 oz
    caster sugar
  • 0.9 oz
    Raspberry puree #1
  • 0.7 oz
    Invert sugar #1
  • 0.9 oz
    Raspberry puree #2
  • 0.7 oz
    Invert sugar #1
  • 0.4 oz
  • 1.8 oz
  • 15.4 gr
    crushed sea salt flakes

Preparation: Ruby Raspberry Marshmallow

  1. Powder the sheets in a grinder and mix with cold water and allow to hydrate for 10 minutes.
  2. Add caster sugar, the first part of puree and invert sugar in a stockpot.
  3. Cook the mixture to 112°C.
  4. Add in the second part of invert sugar, raspberry puree, and gelatine mass in a stand mixer bowl.
  5. Pour the cooked sugar syrup over this mix and start whisking.
  6. Whip until the mixture is cooled down (at least 50°C) and thickened, add melted ruby chocolate, sea salt and mix.


  1. The insert - Prepare 4 inch rings with cling wrap on the bottom. Pour in 75 g of the strawberry confit and freeze. Once frozen, add in around 90 g of the coconut filling and freeze.
  2. Sheet the laminated croissant dough to 5 mm thickness and using a 15 cm ring and an 18 cm ring cut out two discs of dough.
  3. Place the 15 cm dough on the bottom and place the frozen insert in the centre.
  4. Cover this with the 18 cm disc of dough, pinch the edges and seal, and place a 15 cm ring around it.
  5. Allow this to proof for around 1 hour (Proofer at 30°C and 45-50% humidity).
  6. Apply a thin layer of egg wash and bake at 180°C for around 22- 25 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Prepare a 15 cm ring lined with acetate.
  8. Place the ring on a tray with a silicon mat and light spray with oil on the mat and the acetate.
  9. Make the marshmallow and immediately pour into the ring, about halfway up.
  10. Flip the baked dilkhush and press onto the marshmallow and allow it to set.
  11. Once set, de-mould, coat the sides with some desiccated coconut and quenelle some Chantilly and top off with your favourite berries.