潮流反叛 - Intro https://youtu.be/1kgZDmXkOQo?list=PLP_yKEeSeKt3YK7HJRANyq6A6xntXDeAG&cc_lang_pref=zh 播放视频: https://youtu.be/1kgZDmXkOQo?list=PLP_yKEeSeKt3YK7HJRANyq6A6xntXDeAG&cc_lang_pref=zh Please accept cookies in order to view this content Cookie 设置 潮流反叛 Intro 对你的甜品和巧克力来讲“潮流反叛”意味着什么?嘉利宝厨师Philippe Vancauseele带你去一个在地底下融合街头艺术和西点的地方。 最后怎么样?巧克力愉悦了完全的惊讶和密码分析。你怎么想的? Related recipes 购买地点 Close Close modal 胡桃碎 胡桃碎 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 胡桃碎 巧克力解密 巧克力解密 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 巧克力解密 时尚传说 时尚传说 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 时尚传说 Let's stick together Let's stick together Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele Let's stick together Tart destruction Tart destruction Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele Tart destruction 火山迸发 火山迸发 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 火山迸发
https://youtu.be/1kgZDmXkOQo?list=PLP_yKEeSeKt3YK7HJRANyq6A6xntXDeAG&cc_lang_pref=zh 播放视频: https://youtu.be/1kgZDmXkOQo?list=PLP_yKEeSeKt3YK7HJRANyq6A6xntXDeAG&cc_lang_pref=zh Please accept cookies in order to view this content Cookie 设置
胡桃碎 胡桃碎 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 胡桃碎 巧克力解密 巧克力解密 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 巧克力解密 时尚传说 时尚传说 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 时尚传说 Let's stick together Let's stick together Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele Let's stick together Tart destruction Tart destruction Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele Tart destruction 火山迸发 火山迸发 Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele 火山迸发
Let's stick together Let's stick together Philippe Vancayseele Philippe Vancayseele Let's stick together